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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sex and the City

I just can't wait till I get home and my girlfriends and I go to see the Sex and the City movie. For the last year I have been trying to catch the Sex and the City reruns to get all caught up on the loves and lost loves of these four friends. Ryan and Jenny have satellite and they have a Tivo like recorder. That means that you just press a button and it tapes all of the episodes of Sex and the City that it can find. you don't have to put in times, it just knows when they are shown. During the day I watch the ones that were taped the night before. That is really neat! I need to get one of those. I have tapes but it takes time to program it in, and then I take the tape out and forget what's on it. so I'm all ready for the movie now...get ready girls!!!

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