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Sunday, January 09, 2011

A new day

I know it’s not, but I’m going to pretend this is January first. A new year, a new day. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Have you broken them yet? None of those for me this year. Why bother. They’ve been the same now for 40 years…lose weight, get organized. Although I’ve made progress toward those ends I wouldn’t say I’ve ever achieved them to the point I wanted. So in the spirit of my new word for the year, acceptance, I am just accepting that my body is the way it is. If I can change it, I will, but I won’t fight so hard about it. And I have made a lot of headway on the organizational end. I can find things, I’ve gotten rid of a whole bunch of things, and I’ve organized. There’s a ways to go, but it’s mostly good. (This acceptance thing is working.)
So I think I’ll be goal oriented and make a few lists. I lived by lists most of my life. Especially when I was working and had young children. If I wanted to get anything accomplished I put it on the list and crossed it off when it was done. I need to get back in that habit. Let’s see.  What should go on the list? Hmmm.
1. I’d like to go room by room and clean. Curtains, walls, in depth dusting , floors, etc. I want to get it all done before the good weather comes in the spring and I want to spend my time outdoors.
2. Filing…oh, the dreaded filing. Got to get that all caught up for the year. That’s a project since I really hate to do it.
3. Going through the things under the basement stairs. That neglected part of the house has been a gathering place. I’m sure there are things that can go.
4. Gather things for a yard sale in the spring. Now is a great time to box up unwanted items and take them somewhere to sell. What an accomplishment that would be to remove those things from the house.
5. The garage. Not my territory, but needs a clean sweep.
6. What else? Of course, put on the list that I need to get out my painting supplies and make time to make pictures. If it’s not on the list, I may ignore it as I have in the past.
That’s a good list. A long list, but doable. It gives me a goal. What do you think?  Can I do it?
yellow bird


  1. Hi Peggy! Glad to see you're feeling better! I know how it can be sometimes, it's like "enough already!". Love your new post on acceptance, I need some more of that in my life, so I'll try to adopt that from you! Keep up the great blogs, I love reading them. Love, Caron, Josh & Jackson

  2. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Sure you can! If not, that's okay too:)

    Love you
    Linda Lou

  3. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Sure you can! If not, that's okay too:)

    Love you
    Linda Lou


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