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Monday, February 21, 2011

What’s that?

snow again and again 2.11 007

What do you see out the window, Sadie? More snow? Yes, it’s an extra 16 inches on the ground this morning. Are you tired of snow pictures yet? It is very cold old, in the low twenties and our low for tomorrow morning is 8 degrees. This is the third day in a row that I haven’t been outside the house.

I made good use of the day by cleaning out my files. It’s a dreaded job but I have to do it every so often. I am not one of those who likes to file things immediately and keep everything in its proper place. I am more the one who gathers it together in one place, leaves it there until the pile gets way too big, and then all at once does a jumbo filing. My way gets it done too. Don is still working on the player piano. If you could see what he is doing you would be amazed at his talents. The intricacy of all those small parts. Having to rebuild or remake some of them. Getting the right materials. It is a ton of work and takes a lot of time, but he keeps at it.

snow again and again 2.11 009

snow again and again 2.11 008

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