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Sunday, August 07, 2011

Things heard around town

Weather seems to be the topic of choice around town these days. In the winter we long for warm summer days and now that they are here we are getting them in overkill. Without central air people in our town are starting to suffer with these constant temperatures over eighty every day. We have always celebrated our glorious summers with average temps in the seventies. But this year…woo-ee! It’s just hot…leading to a lot of complaining, grumpiness and just plain lethargy. People want to do things outside, but it’s too hot for them…and too hot to stay inside too. So people are huddled around fans or stuck in one room with a window air conditioner. We welcomed the rain yesterday and are hoping for more today.
summer days 8.11 003

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    It's even too hot to clean house!!!


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