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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

If you owned a Jack Russell


How is a Jack Russell different than other dogs? For one thing they can tell you exactly what they want and are very demanding. Jack Russells are easily bored and quite often tell you that they want to play, want to be outside, want a treat, want your attention, etc. etc, etc.
    I love Sadie and wouldn't trade her for any other dog. But this breed is very different than a cocker spaniel.  When we had our Athena I never remember her demanding things of you.  I didn't have to worry that when we were gone she would get into trouble and maybe accidentally commit suicide. Sadie did you know. She got her head stuck in an empty bag of trail mix and almost was gone when Chris walked in and saved her.  She stole some deer spicy sausage when we were cleaning out the freezer and almost died too. She has stolen pill bottles and carried them up to the back yard. We always have to worry that she will find some trouble when we are gone.
  I can understand why there are so many Jack Russells in the shelters. It is a very difficult breed to train and raise. Now that Sadie is five she is fairly settled down.  But she is watching you every minute. If you leave a cup of coffee on the table she is right there the minute you get out of sight.
 For all her trouble she is the most loving, devoted, and intelligent dog we have ever had. She keeps a look out for you when you are gone. If she sees suitcases going out the door she begins to whine frantically afraid that she won't be included in the trip. And she curls up with you under the covers at night.
We love our Sadie. I thought you'd enjoy a video of Sadie. It is quite often that she will sit beside you and tell you that she wants something.
   Do you want to own a Jack Russell? be forewarned.


  1. Sadie is so cute! I think a lots of dogs get upset when they see suitcases coming out. Have a good one!



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