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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Oh, how Sadie and I have missed our walks.

Today when the temperature got up to 37 degrees it felt like a heat wave. The snow is almost melted and it was a good day to take Sadie for a walk. The roads in Willow Dale Cemetery were almost bare, except for in the shade and Sadie was thrilled when I pulled out her leash.IMG_0606

I decided to take my camera along. I haven’t had a lot of practice with my new Canon so I wondered what the pictures would be like. I’ve photographed the cemetery many times over the years because it is right near my home and makes an easy walk for Sadie and I. IMG_0604
Ah, yes. I couldn’t do this with my old camera.

Nor this either. As we walked near the pond the frozen water made a great picture. IMG_0609

Near the footbridge the water was flowing quickly over the dam. IMG_0627
rocks 1.14 

The ducks quickly walked out onto the pond for safety.
ducks on ice 1.14

It was a beautiful day for a walk.
pond 1.14


  1. Beautiful pictures, Peggy! I can see that you are having lots of fun with your new camera!

  2. wow!
    just as beautiful as the park near your son!
    i love these pictures.


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