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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Oh how I miss her

I'm having Downton Abbey withdrawal. There was something enchanting on Sunday nights when I could lose myself in the series. The writing....the characters...the plot.  They all came together to fill an hour of joy. There were snappy one liners from all the characters but the queen of quips was the Dowager Countess. She would put on a prune face or wrinkle up her nose and come out with some shows topping lines. Season five....hurry back. 


  1. -shushhhhhh- I confess... I did not watch D.A. Honest! I'm one of the 3 women in the world, who did not. -grinnnn-

    Oh I love such costumes and settings and wit, of course. But know that along with those lovely parts, come sadness. Loss. War. Getting furious at the antics of certain characters. And especially, being upset at the unfairness. Etc. I can't take the negatives, any more.

    A perfect set-up for my watching would be, all the great lines of the Dowager Countess. And lingering shots of the settings, and the costumes. :-)

    Actually, if you are really, really in need of your Sun. evening "D.A. Fix", rent Season one and begin all over. :-)


  2. OH! that dame maggie.
    what is not to love!!!
    did you hear they're making another ... part two ... of ' the marigold hotel ' with her and dame judi dench? can't wait!


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