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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Walking The Cat

Walking The Cat

My sister sent me the funniest video but I couldn't figure out how to get it in this post. Watch it to the end. It's hilarious. Just click on the link for your laugh out loud moment.


  1. I saw it, on another blog. got so mad at it, that I did not watch it to the very end.

    felt the cat had to be sick. screamed at the people, for laughing.

    I still don't particularly like it. even if the cat did get up and run, at the end.

    I don't like ANY of those "amazing" and "wildly popular" videos. to me, they all smack of a "set up."

    ok, I probably am not supposed to be so frank, in someone else's comments.... -sigh-

  2. I did laugh at this, Peggy! The cat was making it very clear that it did not want to walk with that leash. It makes me think of toddlers who go limp to show that they don't want to so something. I was quite sure that the people knew the cat and how it would react. Also, the man kept petting it and talking to it reassuringly, so I didn't have the strong reaction that your friend did above (although I did wonder the first few seconds). It could have been a metaphor for me sometimes when Terry wants me to go for a walk. By the way, I was in a harness and on a leash from my earliest steps. I was always on the run and getting in trouble. LOL! Have a great Wednesday. I hope you aren't getting slammed again with snow. Poor Sadie will soon be walking in canyons of shoveled snow! Take care!


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