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Thursday, October 12, 2017

In honor of my mother

IMG_8105My mother was an excellent cook.  It was simple Southern food but delicious. At Chris’ we made an apple turnover…like a pie only with icing. It was always a favorite of ours growing up. Mom used to save some pie dough for cinnamon sticks. And Linda had brought a chicken pot pie from Costco that rivaled my mom’s.

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  1. Beautiful pictures! And those were a treat when I was growing up too, only my favorite filling was apricot. I haven't made them in decades, wonder if I'd remember how?

  2. Those apple turnovers look delicious! Love the picture of Linda. I'll have to check out the chicken pot pie. Reading your blog is making me hungry!

  3. Apple turnovers! They look scrumptious! I like your pumpkin display, especially against the pop of orange flowers. Great photo of your sister Linda. My mother used to make cinnamon swirls with leftover pie dough. Oh so good! I bet your cinnamon sticks were too!


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