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Sunday, August 24, 2008


This event is called "fickle fingers". Both men, women, and children lifted and moved four logs to see who could do it in the fastest time. Even the women tossed the caber. The purpose was to throw this heavy log so it would land straight up.
The keg toss required strength and stamina. These men had to have sore muscles the next day after lifting all those heavy logs.
The men's caber toss.

Men, women, and even children participated in the stone toss.

The game events were the main part of the afternoon. The clan take the events very seriously. The first event was archery, shooting at a target on a feed sack.

The evening ended with a potluck supper, presentation of awards and trophies, a slideshow with pictures from the last ten years, an Irish band with appropriate drinking songs, and a bonfire.

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