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Thursday, September 03, 2009

What did you do Thursday?

Don has been so busy today. He really has worked very hard. It started with him finishing the siding on the shed yesterday.  He had stored the siding on the other side of the garage and since it was gone he decided to clean out that area. He hauled many cartloads of debris up to the burn pile. It looks so nice over there now. I guess we are in a place where we don’t like mess anymore.
     Today I went to the YMCA to have an orientation on their fitness machines with my coffee friends. Now that I’m soon 65 I belong to the Silver Sneakers program and the membership is free. But we are going to walk outside as much as possible till the weather doesn’t permit that anymore.
   I found a new site and made this picture.

1 comment :

  1. Oh that is so amazing~!

    You are officially a PRO~!


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