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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tennessee troubles

Yes this is Sean who fell and broke his arm at scout camp. It was a very bad break both bones in the lower arm. One came out through the skin. He’s had a lot of trouble he had one surgery. Then he had to have a second surgery because of infection. Then he had to have a third surgery to put in a pick line in order to go home. He’s been treated with antibiotics through the pick line twice a day. He said quite a time of it. He went to the doctor Monday. He got on a removable cast so that they can keep an eye on the infection. If he’s better on Thursday he may be able to switch to oral antibiotics. Of course he hasn’t been in school for two weeks and can’t go back until this is taken care of. He’s been a trooper through it all.


  1. Poor Sean! I hope he's doing better now!

  2. What?? Poor Kid!! He certainly has been a trooper! I’m so sorry this happened to him😢


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