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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Word of the year

Every January first I pick a word of the year that represents my goals for the coming year instead of doing New Year’s resolutions. Some of the words in the past have been....


2011-ecalirassez (French for lighten up or simplify)







This year my word is intention.  

Definition of intention

1a determination to act in a certain way resolve
3a what one intends to do or bring about
I think that word sums up how I want to live 2018.  Getting things done requires planning or intention. 
Before you try to plan your long-term goals, narrow down your intentions, first. As business blog Inc. points out, there's a distinct difference between goals and intentionsGoals are something you hope to achieve, but may fall short of. Intentionsare something you plan to do, regardless of the outcome.
I intend to make exercising a part of my week. Walking or going to the gym is not impossible for me but takes discipline or intention. It doesn’t have to be a big deal I just need to do it without all those excuses I use.  

Eating better is another thing that I need to do with intention. I need to get back to putting more thought into my meals and planning nutritious dinners. 
I have made good strides with my art in the past year with my art class. Unfortunately my art teacher is moving in it of the state but encouraged me to continue painting. I have the intention of painting at least once a week. 

I also have the intention of improving my photography..a thing I love to do. I plan on using the new Photoshop program that my son gave me for Christmas.   
You are familiar with the saying..the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But for me intention means putting thought and planning into a goal. 

1 comment :

  1. I really like this post, it inspires me! Puts a different perspective on the word.


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