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Monday, July 01, 2024

It’s always fun when I visit my son Chris and his wife Wendy but it was extra special this week when my son Ryan and his family from Tennessee came up too. 

We love spending time together and played games, sat around the pool, went to a movie and ate at Olive Garden

Monday, April 29, 2024

Spring time

Springtime is finally arrived. It isn’t a glorious?

It was just right for a walk on the University of Pittsburgh Trail. It’s so good to see the leaves are coming out on the bushes. And the blossoms on the trees.

I love getting out spring decorations. The painting in the background is a gift for my sister Diane.

Reese is enjoying the nice weather.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Even though I don’t feel well and just got out of the hospital I painted to cheer me up. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024


Isn’t this amazing. My oldest grandson Dan and his wife Gretchen are having so many adventures worldwide. This time on a glacier in Argentina. I am so happy that they have chosen to live life to the fullest. Dan has gone from a shy teenager to hang gliding, hiking, and traveling all over the world. 

I love to travel but being from a very small town it was not part of my early life. Each summer we would travel from Pennsylvania to Georgia to visit relatives. We took our kids to various out of state amusement parks. I never traveled much until my Danish friend asked me to go to see her relatives. After that I went to France and Germany with my sister and Provence With my friend. There is nothing I like better than seeing new things and having adventures. 

My oldest son Chris is a homebody but through work he has traveled to Switzerland five times, Germany and China. But he would have rather stayed right at home. 

Do you like to travel?  What’s the most interesting place you’ve been?

Thursday, January 18, 2024

What am I doing?

What am I reading?..Liz Cheney’s new book Oath and Honor. 
It’s a gripping firsthand account from inside the halls of Congress as Donald Trump and his enabler’s betrayed the American people and the Constitution. The quote that had the most impact on me…. A free society that abandons the truth that abandons the rule of law cannot remain free.

What am I watching?    Various things on streaming..apple….Criminal Record. Prime…Press
YouTube..landscape artist of the year

What am I eating?  Made an apple tart the other day. 

What am I listening to?  While riding in the car I always listen to podcasts. This morning it was happier with Gretchen Rubin and her sister. I always try to get a little nugget of information. This morning it was there’s no good time to start a habit except now.

What am I wearing? Today since it’s so cold out I’m wearing my jeans with a sweatshirt. I was bundled up with a coat and a hat and gloves this morning as I went to coffee.

What am I looking forward to?  At the end of February I’m going to Lancaster to see a musical play about Simon and Garfunkel’s life.

What would I like to do more of? I’d like to get outside to walk. The weather’s below freezing so I don’t believe I will at the moment

What is the daily ritual that I do? Every morning I read one page from the Artist’s soul by Linda Coons. And every morning I read one essay by Sara Ban Breathnach in romancing the ordinary a year of simple splendor.

Where would I like to go? I’ve been longing to go to a bed and breakfast in a little quaint town.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Reese is all cuddled up on this cold winter day on a warm blanket stretched out on my legs. I’ve already broken one of my intentions for 2024. I didn’t make resolutions instead I wrote out 24 intentions for the following year. they are just ideas of things that I would like to do in the coming months. I find now that I’m a little older that my ambition wanes. I am so much more content to not do anything and I am to become a go-getter. I just want to do things that please me.
One of the things I intended to do in 2024 is start blogging again. My blog is only a journal. I enjoys looking back and seeing things that went on in the past years. Especially when I made them into a print book.
     2023 was a disastrous year for me. Especially January. It was on 3 January years ago and I lost my best friend suddenly. Now with my husband gone celebrating our anniversary on 22 January will be completely different. And I am going to celebrate. I was lucky enough to have him so many years. 28 January was when he passed away. My life completely changed after that. I became the only person in the house after being a caretaker for a number of years. I had never lived alone so it was a difficult adjustment. I am looking forward to 2024 Been a much better year.

I also was in the emergency room three times in the autumn. Once from breathing in Raid another time I took a bad fall and cut my forehead open and had ten stitches. And the last time was for heart palpitations. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Well….this happened

On Friday I decided to wash an 8 x 6’ rug outside. That went very well and when it was dry I rolled it up and carried it inside. I’ve been having trouble with my left hip with bursitis. I had a Cortizone shot in both hips but it wasn’t time to get another one yet. As I was carrying the rug in somehow I lost my balance and my left leg wasn’t strong enough to hold me up and I tipped forward and I tipped forward. unfortunately my whole body weight tipped me right into the sharp corner of my China closet. As soon as my head hit the corner I knew it was going to be bad and when I reached up and had blood who’s out my fingers I knew.  But when I looked in the mirror and saw the 5 inch cut from my forehead top to between my eyes which was deep and wide I knew it was really bad. I put ice and pressed on it as I called my friend Joan who came and picked me up and took me to the emergency room. Four hours later I came home after having a CAT scan and 10 stitches and 10 stitchesBut when I looked in the mirror and saw the 5 inch cut from my forehead top to between my eyes which was deep and wide I knew it was really bad. I put ice and pressed on it as I called my friend Joan who came and picked me up and took me to the emergency room. Four hours later I came home after having a CAT scan and 10 stitches.I’m going to have a very large scar right in the middle of my forehead. And my eyes are almost swollen shut. I look like a bad raccoon. I guess since I have 79 I need to learn my limitations.