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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Literary Club

Yesterday's Literary Club meeting was so much fun. There were about 35 members at the Pennhills club for lunch.
Here is the menu. (whoops! I guess you can't read that!) It says: Hospitality Loaf Bread, Baked Crab Cakes in Zucchini Pillows atop riso al limone or meat-stuffed zucchini packets atop galettes des pommes de terr, souffle tomatoes, banana meringues. Everything was delicious!
We had a "castoff" exchange and I chose a large fall purse. It's big enough to be a tote, but I love the colors. Our speaker told us all about selling on eBay.

A big thank you to Teresa from Plum Water Cottage who showed me how to make a blog roll on the right hand side of my blog. This way I can visit my favorite blogs anytime I want. Please enjoy them. Reading blogs from other women is so interesting. I've learned so much about blogging how-to's.

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