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Friday, January 30, 2009


The snow just keeps on coming (and coming and coming). This is a pic from last year of the tree in the back yard. But it looked just the same on Wednesday when the big storm hit. It is getting so deep that a crew needed to go out at two in the morning and plow it to the center Main street and take it away. The parking meters are so deep in snow you can't even get to them to put money in. The roads have crushed snow all over them and make driving tricky. Does this stop the hardy Bradfordians....oh, no! We are used to it.
Today was Literary Club and a former teacher, Becky Ryan, did a program on Jane Austen. She told a lot of facts about Jane's life that were new to me and gave interesting synopsis of Jane's six novels. It is always nice to listen to Becky.
I think this weekend I will just burrow in and read.

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