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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The world is changing and not all of it to the good in my humble opinion. Basic values like respect, humility, kindness seem to be in short supply at times as we bustle around hurrying from one thing to the other. Quality has been overtaken with the thrill of velocity. Let’s do it quick, let’s make it fast…forget the joy in taking time to create a product. Old ways are disappearing to be replace by new customs. I know one sign of being old is looking back on the “good old days” and complaining about the new changes. But is this a better world today than before? I’m not sure. Hopefully we can hold on to old traditions and old joys.
  All this editorializing is leading up to my comment today. What about Christmas cards? As I speak to people they are telling me that they are no longer indulging in the Christmas tradition of sending a card to their dear friends and family. They state that the price of stamps has made it an extravagance. When did it happen that you can’t spend less than fifty cents on your close ones to wish them well during the season? The economy has made us scrooges? Some people send only to those out of town reserving emails or phone calls to people seen daily.
   One of the happiest Christmas tradition is opening the mailbox to see whose card is being delivered. Ripping open the envelope, seeing the happy signature or reading an accompanying message keeps your heart in touch. Are we growing distant from people now? Or in the fast day of email and texting is that the new way to communicate and am I old fashioned? If so…let it be.  I like getting cards!xmas 12.11 017

1 comment :

  1. Linda Platko Green10:08 PM

    There! You see, I found it:) Love it love it love it!!

    You know, you are right about the Christmas cards. It is nice getting them in the mail and having pretty cards lined up decorating the house with such beauty and knowing we are loved:)

    Merry Christmas my friend:)


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