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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5 Questions

For my class Behind the Scenes our assignment was to answer 5 questions on our blog so here goes.
1. What makes you happy?  in five words or less
   family, friends, traveling, creativity, art
2. What is your favorite movie, book, or both?
  My latest favorite book is Eternal on the Water. As I was reading it I saw it played out as a movie in my mind. There are not a lot of movies that I would call my very favorite. There are some that are entertaining and make you smile and some adventurous movies that get you going for a few hours sitting in the movie theater. My favorite kind of movie makes you think and has a twist ending you never thought about. Those movies like the Sixth Sense leave you amazed by the end.
3. Which talent would you most like to have? I’ve always wanted more artistic talent but I think I would really like a talent for remembering things better now.
4. Which words or phrases do you overuse most?  I say, “you know” a lot.
5. If you could go anywhere in the world for a creative retreat where might it be? This is a no brainer. I would go to Provence, France for a watercolor/cooking/flea market trip.


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