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Sunday, February 02, 2020


I am not a minimalist. I am an over buyer. I see it in clothes, food and decorations. And that has always been fine with me. But now in this stage of my life I am finding that having so much is more of a burden than a joy. There are more things to keep track of and know where they are. Even though I am organized there are a lot of things taking up space in my small house. I have a bottom freezer full of food as well as a large freezer extra. And yet I keep buying.  Is it a disease?  I am trying to use up things before I buy more. Who needs so much extra shampoo?  Or cleaning products?  Each day I move more and more to having less. 

1 comment :

  1. My sister posted that quote on FB yesterday and so many agreed with it. I think that because I discarded so many things when we moved to Florida a few years ago and some more when we moved back here that it just isn't me. I'm down to the things that I love! But most people would say I still have too much and there are times I think about having less to take care of for future years. When it comes to china and books it's so hard to get rid of more!


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