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Monday, December 07, 2020

Roasting chestnuts

You know the song “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire”? Well, I’ve never eaten a chestnut. We were listening to Christmas music this weekend when Chris and Wendy were here and she said that she ate them when she was a missionary in Macedonia. So they went to the store and bought some for us. Using Google we discovered how to roast them in the oven. It was a process. First we soaked them in some salt water for twenty minutes. You can soak them up to two hours. Next we roasted them on a cookie sheet in the oven.  20 minutes at 350 degrees. Then turn the over to 450 and roast another fifteen minutes. Take them out of the over and put them in a bowl on a damp towel and cover with the towel. 

They pop right open and you can peel the shell right off. The meat is one large nut. I put a little salt on the ones I ate. It has a different and unique taste but not bad at all. 

Today Chris and Wendy will go to Coudersport to close on their house. When they got married they put the house in Port Allegany up for sale. It has been over a year and they are happy to sell it now. When they left last weekend I thought I wouldn’t see them for quite a while because of Covid so I was happy they came up again. 

Covid is keeping Don and I right here at the house most of the time. It is raging here in Bradford and we want to stay safe. The only way is to stay right here at home. I have finally gotten used to being a homebody and don’t mind it as much as I used to. But I have a long list of things I want to do once it is safe in the world again. 

1 comment :

  1. Chris has definitely met his match...Wendy♥️


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