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Thursday, March 22, 2012


framed dafodills

You know it’s Spring when you see the first daffodils popping up with their bright yellow color. These are in the front of the picket fence where they get the most light. The other Spring flowers will be up soon too. They leaves are pushing their way out of the ground.  
dafodills 007
Today was another kind of daffodil day for me too. I volunteered to help sell bouquets of daffodils for the Cancer Society’s annual charity fund raiser. This time I sat in the local drug store for a few hours this afternoon. I’m always glad to help out a good cause.

1 comment :

  1. Linda Platko Green10:43 PM

    Oh Peggy! I thoroughly enjoyed looking all through your blog and seeing the great pictures. If you could see me, you will see a smile on my face as I am breezing through your words and pictures.
    They were awesome. You are allowing others to really cherished what you are loving:)

    Thank you Peggy:)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.