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Saturday, March 24, 2012


If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and what would you do there?

This blog has always been like a lifetime journal for me. I have been blogging since 2006 almost every day. It’s nice to look back and have a record of things that have happened in my life. It’s not easy always coming up with subjects to blog about. There are personal things that I don’t care to share at times. But I try to keep it real. A lot of people who keep journals use journal prompts to stimulate the mind’s thinking. When I saw the one above I knew I’d like to talk about that.
Everyone has a dream, right? If I could go anywhere I would like to go back to sunny Provence, France. It is such a lovely part of France and being in the countryside it is a lot like the hills and valleys that I live with at home. I felt quite comfortable there. And what would I do there?  My dream is to take a watercolor painting class with an expert, then have lunch under the trees and dinner under the stars.
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Now it is your turn.  I know you are reading this. And now you need to comment. Please share your dream with me.  All you have to do is click your mouse below this post right after the time where it says “ comments”.  Then write something and click on anonymous where it says “choose an identity”. That’s all there is to it.  I’d love for you to tell me what your deep down dream is.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    My dream is to live by the ocean. I'm drawn to the tides and the breathing in-and-out of the waves as they lap along the shore. Perhaps the ocean is so important to me as my sign is "cancer-the crab." Also, the moon is important
    in my sign. I know that I will never live near the ocean; I can't even find anyone who wants to go to the ocean on vacation:( wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to walk along the water every day, toes digging in the wet sand, investigating shells and creatures washed ashore with the tide. Can you picture the sun setting on the horizon, and the moon rising over the water? Such peacefulness...

  2. Rebecca11:04 AM

    I too love the ocean. I love the sound of the surf, the cry of the gulls and the antics of the little shore birds. I love the smell of the ocean, the feel of the sand under my bare feet and the surf at the edge of the water as it tickles my toes.

    I love the contrast of the hot, sun, the cooling breeze and the shade of the canopy.

    I love the happy voices of the grandchildren as they build their sand castles and fly their kites. When they were babies they napped together all lined up on the beach towels under the canopy.

    I like reading a good book and then closing my eyes and taking a little nap.

    When we leave to come home I always have tears in my eyes.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.