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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Loving winter?

You love winter, right? You never complain about the constant snow that needs shoveled, the single digit temperatures or the dangerous unshoveled slushy sidewalks, do you? Yeah, I know…me too. But there are some reasons to love winter so here are my best ones.
1. It is breathtaking (and I don’t mean the air is so cold it takes your breath away). I mean I’ll bet down south they have never seen the diamonds on the crisp newfallen snow before.
2. You have an excuse not to do things. You can blame it on the cold, bad roads, hibernation, or just make up an excuse and everyone understands why you don’t want to go out.
3. You get a lot of reading done.  What else is there to do besides watch tv?
4. You can sit inside with a cup of tea or cocoa, eat comfort foods, and watch the snow fall outside your window and just feel contentment.
5. Even the dog and cat don’t pester you as much to go outside.
6. Time seems to slow down, the pace is more lazy.
7. On the weekends you find yourself in your jammies till noon.
8. You bundle your errands all in one day so you don’t have to keep running to the store all week.
9. My whole body is covered up in layers and bulky sweaters.
10. If you have extra food you can just put it in the Bradford refrigerator (the garage) for a few hours.

I’m sure there are a few more, if you’d like to add them in the comments. But all in all..we can’t move south so we just grin and bear it. It will be spring soon (well, maybe not soon…but it will come). And when it’s 90 degrees next summer you will remember this nice cold winter.

snowman globe

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