Everyone knows that Sadie rules the house. Jack Russells tend to do that (so I’ve heard). She knows that she is the boss. In her mind here are her rules:
1. Don’t come home smelling of other dogs.
2. You must feed me every goodie you eat.
3. Let me outside even though I just came in. There was an area that I forgot to sniff.
4. I can sleep anywhere I wish even if it means you’ll trip over me.
5. Don’t shhhh me from barking when you are on the phone. I heard a squirrel.
6. Don’t move me when I’m sleeping on your bed. There’s enough room for you on the edge.
7. Don’t think you can leave the room without me.
8. If it lands on the floor it’s mine.
9. I will use sad puppy dog eyes to get what I want.
10. If you don’t take me for a walk right away I will whine and pester you until you do.
11. I you go into the bathroom I will get up and follow you right in to see what you are doing. I want to know where you are and what you are doing every moment.
12. If you don’t want dog hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.
13. My parents like me a lot better than most people.
12. To you I’m just a dog. To my parents I’m an adopted child.
13. I’m treated like a grandchild..I whine and I get my way.
14. You are obliged to hold and pet me the entire time during your visit.
15. It’s even better if you bring doggie treats.