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Saturday, December 07, 2019


This is the gazebo in the town square of Bradford all decked out for Christmas. Our downtown has been in the middle of a renovation this fall. All of the sidewalks were torn up and replaced and the old Bradford pear trees taken away. All this has been replaced by brand new sidewalks and curbs and new trees planted. I can’t wait for spring to see what they are. Doesn’t this gazebo remind you of the one in Gilmore Girls? I loved that show. Right behind the gazebo is the new Marilyn Horne museum. She is a famous opera singer from Bradford. Beside the museum is a Starbucks. The building is owned by the University of Pittsburgh and they hold some classes there. Upstairs is a large gym where I took Tai. Chi lessons a few years ago. They are not offering it now since the trade war with China does not allow the Chinese scholars to come here anymore. What a loss. 

Our little town is tucked in the valley with hills surrounding it. I love this aerial picture of the frosty tops of the mountains.

Yesterday was our Literary Club Christmas party at the library. We played a few trivia games which were harder than you might think.  Do you know who played Mary in It’s a Wonderful Life?  Donna Reed. We all brought gifts which were used as prizes. The first game was a multiple choice of ten questions...how many drummers were drumming? The second one involved questions from famous holiday movies...like what was the cousin’s name in Christmas Vacation? After we all received a present we stood in a circle while one member read a story about Mrs. Right who turned left in her car. Each time the words right and left were read we had to pass our presents in that direction. It was fun and laughable and finally we got to open the present we ended up with. The presents were white elephant gifts (somethings we had at home and wanted to get rid of). Some people had pretty things and others just joking gifts. I got some candy, a candle and soap, and a table runner. Afterwards we had tea and cookies. The girls are always so nice in that group and it was a fun time. We won’t have another meeting now until after the holidays.


  1. I immediately thought of the Gilmore Girls when I saw the gazebo! I dearly love that show too. You are so fortunate to live in such a pretty town with the beautiful hills around you. We have hills around us too, but not mountains like you have.

    Your literary club girls sound like so much fun!

  2. It sounds like you had a great time with your literary club girls, Peggy! That aerial photo of Bradford is beautiful!


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