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Sunday, March 02, 2008

The name game

I came across this game on the blog world. It's the game where you list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name...so here goes.

L-love. Above all else in my life love is the most important thing. I have been blessed in my life to have had two parents who by their actions showed the grace of love and instilled strong values in my life. I have been married for 42 years to the most loving of hubands who daily shows in his caring how much he loves me. My two children and two grandchildren

O-old. I am 63 now. It sounds old when I write it or say it, but it just doesn't feel old in my mind. Sure the body is letting me down physically now and then, but the mind still feels the same as in my twenties, thirties and up. Mentally oldness gives you a calmer sense because you realize that all the things you used to worry about were far out of your control and the only one you can change is yourself and your perceptions about things.

U-Untidy I wouldn't say that I am a messy housekeeper but I am not fastidious. I can ignore messy areas of my house and not be upset in the least that there are clothes not put away, or boxes on the floor from unfinished projects. I never can seem to have the whole house picked up at the same time unless we are having company. Instead of housework being a priority I have many other interests that take up my time. But yet I constantly strive to be organized.

I-Interesting I thrive on finding interesting things to do. I am always the happiest when I am learning something new. Right now I am trying to learn Photoshop so I can manipualte my pictures.

S-Silly. It has been a long while since I have let myself feel silly. I need more laughter in my life and just to let go.

E-Expectations I have expectations from my husband, my friends, my family. Most of the time they all live up to those and fill my life with love and wonder. Some of the time I can be disappointed by them. It's not their fault, it's that I judge them by my standards instead of accepting them for who they are.

This has been very revealing, like a trip to a psychiatrist...hmmm.

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