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Sunday, November 30, 2014

The aftermath

So quiet. My company left at staggered times. chris was off on Friday to go home and finish packing. He left for switzerland from the Washington airport yesterday. Dan, Gretchen and Scott left on Saturday and Ryan and family got up early this morning at five and were on the road to Tennessee by six.

Today will be..get back to normal day. The goal for today is laundry..all six beds worth. And then rest

It was a wonderful holiday. I always enjoy being around the little ones. And the grown up grandchildren. Highlights were the feast of course, then we went to a local famous restaurant the Beef and Barrel for a beef on wick...that's a kümmel wick roll with salt and seeds on the top. Saturday we traveled to Erie for some shopping. It was a busy few days and I loved it.

Now for a few days of rest before I travel to Virginia to have some sister time.



  1. You had a house-full!!!!!! Great fun. But now comes the laundry. ,-)))))

    Yes, please get a bit of rest, before hitting the road to Sister's Houses. :-)

    Happy day before the first of December!

  2. Oooops! that should have been "to Sister's House".... :-)

  3. i'm thinkin' that sad little face that's packing . . . isn't too keen on leaving!
    it sounds like a simply GRAND time you had!
    be safe out there in your travels dear bean! XO♥

  4. Oh lucky you! I could use some sister time myself! It's hard parting after the joy of being together! I hope everyone made it home safely!


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