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Saturday, November 15, 2014

The first snow


The very first snow of the season always amazes me. It is so beautiful. I forget the cold, the coats and boots that must be worn, the icy roads and the shoveling. I just look at the flakes floating down and the ground becoming a white blanket.



  1. You make it seem very lovely. Good for you, to be able to have this attitude.

    Our pond froze last night, but only spits of snow here, yet.

    And come to think of it, I looked out at the night time snow spits, and was excited too. How about that????


  2. thank you for your informative comment, on my post about techy ways of reading..... You answered a question we have.... By saying you got a Kindle Ap. Ahhhh yes, I am so techy-info-challenged, that I didn't realize that, by myself.

    We have looked at Samsung Galaxy, because it is quite large. With his deteriorating eye sight, he needs as "big" as possible. Will ask if we can get a Kindle Ap for that, and I'm sure we can.

    Again, thank you.


  3. And to thank you for your informative comment, I will share a link to a reading blog, I follow...

    Free, cheap or on sale Kindle mysteries...... Hope you can make some use of it.


    1. Thanks Tessa, I checked it out. Lots of mysteries there. Now to make time for reading.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.