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Monday, January 06, 2020

What is it about January?

There is something about the month of January that just makes you want to organize. Is it because of all the extra decorations you bring out at Christmas time and then have to put all away that makes you want to have a cleaner house and more free space? Whatever it is I am taking advantage of this glorious sunny (but cold) winter day while I am in the mood. It started with taking everything off the table and cleaning away the Christmas tablescape. More things needed to be carried downstairs (by the way..it’s a mess down there because I haven’t had the time to properly put things away so I’m saving all that for another day when I can spend the whole day sorting and organizing Christmas things.) Well, you know how one thing leads to another. So....while I was putting away the napkins I noticed that the bottom of the china cupboard was quite messy which lead to taking it all out, folding and storing all the napkins. Then I decided to put all the napkin rings (which normally were stored in an ottoman) over in that space. All in all when I was done everything was together and looked great.

Yes...I really do have that many napkins and napkin rings. (The two blue handled containers on the right hold extra silverware). I used to entertain a lot more than I do now. 

Then since I was on a roll I cleaned out the ottoman and organized all my placemats. (Be proud of me...some of them are going away out of the house). I also have some sets of dishes to go too.) I really have way too many napkins and napkin rings but I like to have choices. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it). 

Now since I’m tuckered out I will sit the rest of the day and read the new Steven King book The Institute. 

Are you doing cleaning and organizing too?


  1. I am cleaning and organizing as I put Christmas away for another year. When I decorated a month ago I had about two totes filled with decoration I haven't used in a few years. Most of those two totes are in two boxes for Goodwill. I can truly say as of right now my decorations are pared down to what I love.

    I then will start to clean house. My attic and closets were done last summer and need only a little straightening. Since everything was clean at Thanksgiving I shouldn't have too big a job. But I am anxious to get started.

    My two books to read are the Source, James Michener and the Barbara Bush biography.

  2. Looking good, Peggy! I'm organizing in my dreams. I struggled to get my tree up this year, only finishing it five or six days before Christmas (bad leg hip, difficulty walking). Now I don't want to take it down. It's just so beautiful. I've been swamped doing things connected with the anthology containing a short story of mine ~ publishing in May! I'll get to organizing. All the best to you!


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