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Saturday, October 02, 2010

here a project, there a project

sister week 029 Here is something you will rarely see out of the closet..my sewing machine.
I learned to sew in 8th grade at Junior High. Since I attended my elementary school until 7th grade and other schools in the district sent their seventh graders on to Junior High I missed out on basic sewing techniques in 7th grade. When I started the class in 8th grade I was required to “catch up” on my own. This led to a great dislike of sewing and I only will sew out of necessity. Or if I want something made very badly…Like my living room curtains.
living room 09 011
or my kitchen curtains…

new curatins 003

So this week when Linda offered to do some sewing for me I was delighted.  First she sewed a pillow for my newly decorated bedroom out of fabric and trim that we picked out on one of our shopping trips this week.

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It really stands out on my new duvet cover. Also note the two new pictures I found at Burlington Coat Factory in Erie. I like these so much better than the ones I had there before.
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Linda also made the striped pillows on the couch.
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Here Diane and Linda are making small teabag holders to put in your purse to carry your personal teabags. They are like little tea wallets.
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sister week 009 
Here’s to sisters. They are the best!

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