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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Choose to be content

I loved today's post at An Extraordinary Day. (Anextraordinaryday.net). It's all about being content with the things you already have. I think there are two types of,people who shop. Three are those,...like my husband that on,y go to the store out of necessity.  He is perfectly content with what he has and unless he has to go for something specific he stays home.  Then there's me who loves to see pretty things whether I buy them or not. Shopping is sometimes my entertainment. Yu must realize I live in a rural area where Walmart is our only store besides dollar stores.  So,when I have a chance to get to the city I take it. I love looking and seeing such beautiful things that I could never find in my hometown. I don't like online shopping because I like to touch and see items for myself. A perfect day for me is a shopping trip.  How about you?  


  1. Now that is one kind of people E. Goudge left out of her three sorts of people. (That's a teaser, Peggy. You'll have to read my post this week to understand the connection!) You would fit right in with my 3 sisters who love to shop. I think it's the most exhausting thing in the world, almost. Goodwill shopping seems to be the only shopping that energizes me, or shopping at a used book store.

  2. Yep, she is a shopper of beautiful things and knows how to shop for clothes and jewelery. She dresses really, really nice :)


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