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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Image blender

Lim trying a new app called image blender. I need a little more work with it but it's fun to put two images together. 

I had my endoscopy today the doctor was able to enlarge my esophagus spot by three centimeters.  I've been a little groggy and out of it most of the day. We are trying to solve my chocking problem. Every little bit helps. 


  1. i hope you're sedated when they do that!
    i remember when they had to 'stretch' bob's esophagus after his cancer surgery. he sat on the end of the table with his head back.
    they put a rod down his throat and he 'swallowed' various sizes of stainless steel eggs that were then threaded onto the rod.
    gagging... pain... terror. at least terror on my part. a horrible thing to sit there and watch... much less to endure!
    i hope your problem is solved without too much of any kind of further torture of any kind!!! xo

    1. Oh, thank heavens I didn't have to do that. I couldn't. I was out completely. Watching that had to be so bad for you...and horrible for Bob.


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