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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Fun, fun, fun

Hi friends, I am not back to regulate blogging yet but had to post a craft that I did with my sisters. We made silver antique eggs.


It was time consuming but the results were worth it.

If you'd like to try it go to this site. http://www.justcraftyenough.com/2014/02/project-antiqued-silver-eggs/



Now I can't wait to get out my Spring decorations.



  1. do you realize
    you look like the prettiest irish lass there!!!
    you DO!
    the eggs aren't bad either.
    glad you're back!

  2. The eggs look great! Being silver I think they would look great staying out long past bunny time. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. I appreciated your thoughts.