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Monday, March 11, 2019

Blue Skies

What is happier than a blue sky? Sometimes in winter the dreary days can get to you but today...not so much. EVeryone’s attitude changes when the sun comes out. It gives us hope that Spring will be here soon. 

This week I feel like a secretary calling doctor’s offices and talking to insurance people. Sometimes you just have to take care of business. 

On another note I found a great tote to take with me to Hawaii. It is large, mesh, lightweight and will hold all my junk that I find necessary to take on an airplane..and it’s turquoise. 

Did you watch American Idol last night? If you did you may have seen an audition by Clay Page who is from Elberton, Georgia. I don’t know him but I was born in Elberton and have a lot of kin there. That is where my mother’s family lives and every summer we went there for a visit. So I will be rooting for Clay. 

I hope that you are having the best day ever and wherever you are I hope there is sunshine in your life. 


  1. Love that blue sky, Peggy! We're supposed to get another snowstorm tomorrow with blizzard like conditions. It's warm and partly sunny today, so it's hard to imagine snow and strong winds tomorrow. I, too, am in the midst of taking care of business, a lot of business. Sigh! But it's good to get things done. Wishing you great productivity!

    1. I am looking out our deck doors. The snow has started, and the wind has come up literally blowing the snow horizontally! Could be an interesting day!

  2. Still snowing out there huh? Sometimes I think we don't have it as bad as other places. We used to so I think global warming has helped the storms blow north or south of us. Louise, let me know if this comment shows up in your email. I'd like to be able to comment back to you. thanks


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