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Friday, March 08, 2019

C is for Cookie

Here are a few questions thanks to my friend at Preppy Empty Nester...

1. Are you able to pass by a plate of cookies and not take one or are you a bit of a Cookie Monster?
   It depends. Most of the time I can leave cookies if my determination to diet is high enough. I always have cookies in the cupboard for Don and I usually avoid them. My favorite cookie is either the peanut butter with a Hershey’s kiss or chocolate chip but I love chocolate chip cookie dough raw the best. (I know..I know).

2. Tell us your favorite cookie and have your tastes changed since you were a kid?
  See above for favorite cookie. No, my tastes haven’t changed at all. I still like gooey cookies while they are warm from the oven. 

3. Inquiring minds want to know, are you a dunker? Do you dunk in milk or coffee?
  Never have been a dunker.

4.At this time of year they are selling them on every corner. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies and if so which are your favorite?
   I’m sorry to say that I have to pass by the table with the Girl Scout cookies. If I brought them home I’m afraid that I would be tempted to eat the Tagalongs. 

5. Raw cookie dough..yea or nay?
  Definitely yes, yes, yes! That is why I avoid making homemade cookies. 

6. Tell us something random about your week. 
 I am looking out my window at the snow in the neighbor’s yard which is trampled with deer tracks. It looks like a herd of deer went by. I am tired now of the constant snow every day. Not a lot at once but it ever leaves. 


  1. Haha! Fun topic, Peggy!
    1. I try to avoid that first cookie bite. The peanut butter with Hershey kiss cookie is irresistible for me. I'm 33 pounds down with 7 more to go, so I am not making cookies now!

    2. Favorite cookie: peanut butter with Hershey kiss, oatmeal raisin, and chocolate chip. The last two are childhood favorites; we didn't have Hershey cookies when I was a kid.

    3. I only dunk biscotti, but I haven't had biscotti in two or three years.

    4. I used to sell Girl Guide cookies as a kid, so of course I buy them. I can't think of any of their cookies that I don't love!!! My cousin's daughter has been selling them all through school, but smart cookie that she is, she will donate your purchases to a food bank, so you don't have to see them or eat them, just pay for them. LOL

    5. Oh yes! I lick any bowl! And beaters! And spoons! And spatulas! Pitiful!

    6. I had fun talking with our bartender's daughter at our favorite restaurant on Sunday night. The daughter works there a few hours on Sunday evenings because her school is on a four day schedule, so she doesn't go in on Mondays. She was excited about getting a part in a school play. Just sixteen, she is so cute and excited about life, so it is always uplifting to talk with her ~ usually she is washing bar glasses in front of us. We're Sunday night regulars because it's less busy then.

    Have a good one, Peggy!

    1. Loved your answers! Thanks for playing.


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