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Friday, March 01, 2019


I don’t do enough nature. I find myself going from my house to my car to places and back again without ever spending much time outside. In my younger days I would go for a walk even in the winter. One of my fondest memories is when I was in college. I remember a particular night when my friend and I were walking with snow coming down which was so beautiful and I was so happy. Of course when I was a child I spent hours outside in all kinds of weather. In summers it would be usual for Don and I to hop in his truck and venture out into the woods to find an apple tree to pick along an old dirt road. I have fond memories of us walking through the woods with our dog running hither and there while our feet rustled in the fallen leaves. I’ve always loved being outdoors. The air is so fresh and the wind blowing on my skin seems to refresh my whole body. I am longing for Spring when I can once again walk the trails. 

1 comment :

  1. Experiencing nature is a spiritual; act for me. Spring is close, Peggy! How is little Sadie?


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