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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Like a duck on a pond

Like a duck on a pond. On the surface everything looks calm but underneath the water those feet are churning a mile a minute. 

Yesterday was “get out of Dodge” day for the Karrasches and we traveled to Jamestown for lunch at the Olive Garden, always a favorite spot. On the way I was looking for something to photograph with my iPhone. I rarely take my big girl camera anymore because the iPhone takes such great pictures. If you are interested in learning how to take better pictures with you phone I recommend signing up for free emails from Emil Pakarklis who founded the Iphonography school or finding videos on YouTube. He is amazing and his videos or emails take you step by step in taking better photos.

  On the way we go by Celeron which is close to Lake Chautauqua and spied these ducks. There must have a hundred of them in the open water which was in a ditch along the road. I asked Don to turn around so I could photograph them. I hated to disturb them but couldn’t resist the loveliness of how they were enjoying that winter day. 

When I got home I played around with some of my photography apps on my phone to make these photos. 


  1. Peggy that top photo is beautiful! I like the squiggly reflection of the trees.

  2. Awesome photos, Peggy! Love the Waterlogue ducks!


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