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Monday, March 18, 2019

Can it be Spring?

I’ve finally decided that even though the temperature outside is still freezing (27 this morning) that I am moving on. I think it’s because finally we are having sunny days and the snow has melted. Even with the chill in the air I feel like Spring could be here soon. (Actually it isn’t until April that we get daffodils and May before the trees have leaves). 
   Anyway I rooted around in my basement room with all the decorations and got some out. I am trying to let go so I don’t have so much but darn..it’s hard when it comes to nests, birds, and bunnies. My job for today is to go to that room and go through things again. 
     Today I get a gold star for going to the Y and walking on the treadmill. I walked five times last week and hope to keep it up. I’m trying to build my endurance for Hawaii. I know there will be a lot of time on my feet there. Especially with “baby legs” (my sister Linda). It’s only a month away now and I’m getting excited. 
       Are you getting ready for Spring? when does it come in your neck of the woods?

1 comment :

  1. Yes, you do get a gold star, Peggy! I'm noticing the shift from silvered sunlit to golden sunlight as the sun moves north along the horizon. Wishing spring truly arrives soon for you. I go through things over and over trying to eliminate "sparks of joy" from my piles. Slowly but surely I'm whittling them down.


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