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Friday, December 12, 2014

This is what it is like to live in the north

You buy your tickets months ahead of time. You look forward to going to a Christmas concert. The Empire Brass was coming to town for a Great performance. Then it snows...and snows...and snows. It gets deeper and deeper and the roads get slippery. The idea of going out quickly becomes the idea of staying home and staying safe.

So often in the north we need to look at the weather before we plan anything. Having a summer cookout? Check the weather first.

Going for a boat ride? Check it out.

Planning an outdoor wedding? You fool.

Going on a trip...watch the weather first to make sure you won't be driving through a storm.

In the summer there is rain and in the winter icy roads that hamper your travel.

So I stayed home last night . I'll get my Christmas spirit watching tv specials this year.

This morning I went out to meet the Coffee Girls. Since I don't have my car back yet this is what I faced.



So I grabbed a broom and a nice scraper and cleaned off the truck.

The snow was rather deep but I had on my higher boots. In the south do they have an assortment of boots?

Soon I was on my way. The roads had been plowed but there was still packed snow and slippery places on the way. When I returned our snow guy had plowed again and the driveway was clear.

The rest of the day I will stay in and finish wrapping some presents. I hope I don't have as much trouble as Disney's Donald.



  1. So much snow!! I feel for you as you clear the snow off the truck. I have a suburban which is always parked outside and when it snows there is so much surface area to clean off. Stay warm!

  2. You pretty much covered what it's like, Peggy! Yup ~ I have quite an assortment of boots! LOL! I haven't wrapped a present yet! Yikes! I'm feeling better so I'm going to walk to Parkway to met Terry for drinks and dinner. Got my fingers crossed that I'll feel well enough to go to the Parker Christmas parade tomorrow and photograph all the pretty horse. Then maybe I'll be in a frame of mind to wrap. You sound like you have Christmas well under control, Peggy! I hope you had fun with your coffee girls! Take care!

  3. "You fool." How I laughed at that, but I'm so sorry it's dangerous to go to the holiday festivities that were planned. As a cocooner (hermit), staying home is fine with me but I actually have 2 plans for the weekend, more of a social butterfly than I've been in ages.

    I have a to-the-knee pair of black rubber boots for walks in the snow, if we ever get any. Stay safe, Peggy!

  4. Hi Peggy
    Stopping by after reading your comment on my blog. Great to "meet" you! Sorry about the concert but that snow is gorgeous

  5. Ahhhhh yes!!!! Those "Wimpy Willies" in Southern Climes, don't know what Winter is like!!!!! -gigggles-

    We, up here in Real Winter Land, do!!!! ,-)

    So glad you were Wise and stayed home, in the un-safe night.

    And glad you "trucked" to meeting friends, in the am. :-)

    Onward we go! Living Winter, as it was meant to be lived! In the Beauty and the Danger, of Ice and Snow.

    Just call us "The Snow Queens"!




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