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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Oh my gosh...Thursday already?

This week is going by so fast it's a blur. I've been busy preparing for company...getting inside and outside all tided up. And on top of that Don's truck quit on him..the second time in a few weeks. It was repaired the first time and now repaired again..something different. Always something, isnt it?
So I apologize for not blogging yesterday. You can expect my blogging to be rather sporatic, if at all while my sisters are here. We will be too busy having fun.

It is still not the warmest today. I need a sweater as I sit out here on the porch swing and type this blog. But it should be nicer this weekend. My sisters always bring their jeans, sweatshirts, and socks because they know Bradford.

Enjoy your week. I'll be visiting your blogs but may not comment.



  1. Hi, Peggy! I hope that you have the best time with your sisters. I adore mine, and I can't wait to see them in Nova Scotia this summer! Sisters are the best friends of all; that special group where you can be utterly yourself and they love you warts and all. I hate when one of our cars goes down. Cars can be money suckholes too! Have a lovely weekend! Hugs!

  2. Sorry about the truck!

    Don't wear yourself out, preparing...

    Enjoy time with them, when they arrive...


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