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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

All you need is a lamb and a few eggs


Time to get out of the winter slump and all it takes is a cute little lamb sitting on your table. I picked up this little fellow in Virginia at a special resale shop where all the profits went to a dog shelter.
And eggs. Yes, eggs. Don’t eggs just scream Easter and Spring? These beauties are from Pottery Barn and their shiny bright colors put some pizazz on the table.


I love the majolica rabbit dish too.


IMG_6953I added a pink napkin to the green one held in place by bird cage napkin rings.

This Spring banner I made myself from directions found on the internet.


The table is set for Spring now. IMG_6951

On the back of the chairs I tied little nests.

Now I can say Spring has finally arrived at Chatham Lane despite the snow on the ground outside.

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