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Friday, March 10, 2017

Sadie update March 10


Our trip up to Buffalo to the Orchard Park Animal Hospital was uneventful but the ride home was dicey. It’s a good thing that our appointment was at ten o’clock instead of the afternoon. Dr. Brummer examined Sadie. He’s a man of very little words but his sighs told us everything we needed to know. An operation on her feet is out of the question because of her small weak bones. And her deformity where her feet are unusually turned out is permanent. Since we now have the lupus under control with a chemotherapy drug hopefully it won’t get any worse but it will never get any better. Now we face another problem. She feels good enough to try to walk but since she is walking down on her wrists she is creating sores. We can try braces and patches on the spot to help her. Now we will look into getting a special front wheelchair doggie device to maybe give her some mobility. I am shedding tears for her hopeless situation. Buffalo had no snow but on the way home the stretch from Buffalo to Ellicotville was treacherous. When we arrived home…not much snow at all. 17201253_10210470094407079_8432560533822685223_n


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I just happened one day not terribly long ago that had little harness vehicles with wheels.
    that's a bad description of them.
    the star was a little dog who was just hours of being put down. and then at the last minute a young vet asked if he could see what he could come up with. it was brilliant.
    and then they showed that little fellow zooming around just like he used to. it definite took awhile. but they had patience with him and kept working with him. and he was given a new lease on life! there is a lot of good dog left in him! hi runs and rolls across the yard with their other dog! he's adorable! and courage? IN SPADES!
    I hope that kind of help can be given to our darling little Sadie. search and search! it's out there.
    I'm sorry I can't even remember what I visited to learn of that. but you can google anything! sending up a prayer. XOXO♥

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    peggy! this isn't the site I saw but THIS is what the little dog had who was zipping around!
    they didn't say the name of it... but I recognize it. it's for dogs with deformed or missing front legs.
    it allows them to walk and RUN! and even sniff the ground the way they like to do!

    sending you all so much love for you and little Sadie.

    1. Tammy thank you so much for your concern. Our vet recommended Eddie's wheels and I also saw that video so it gave me a little hope. Unfortunately .sadie's back legs are not in terrific shape either but if it can get her moving I am willing was to try it.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    oh peggy. i'm sorry to be back again here. but I just watched the videos of dogs with damaged or no front legs.
    they're amazing! eddies wheels is the only company I've looked at. but it's unbelievable what these dogs can do!!!
    it's like they don't even notice they're in a wheel cart. it's so touching. tears are streaming here!
    there surely is hope for your darling girl! and you and she can walk together again like you loved to do before.
    now. I promise I won't keep coming back and commenting! LOL. just couldn't help it.

  4. Peggy, I'm so sorry Sadie is going through this. I know it breaks your heart to see her suffering. Thank God she has parents who do everything that's possible to help her. Our little Otis' front paws turn out so much too, much more than his brother's. I need to question their vet about it.

  5. Poor little Sadie is having such a tough time. It's no fun getting older. I hope that your wonderful spirits are reviving somewhat, and I'm glad that you got back from Buffalo safely. Roads like that are awful to drive on. I echo your friends in the hope that there is a device out there that could help Sadie. Kudos to you and Don for your loving care! Sending hugs and love to you all.


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