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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Oui, Oui

I'm really getting my self in the French frame of mind with this black beret. I am loving my painting course and taking my time with it and enjoying the experience. I have completed two of the the three pastry paintings. It is a brand new technique with a lot of new materials so I'm taking it easy learning. 
  I think fall has given me a burst of energy since I am like an octopus with all my activities. Just today I sat down at the piano and played some of my new standard songs. The I read a book on hygge, that Danish concept of comfort that I like so much. I went to my art class where I'm painting a field of lavender. Oh, and I went to Olean to return and get out some library books. Right now there is a stack waiting for me. I hope that this weekend I can rest and read!

I thought this was funny...ghosts (or witches) blowing around in a tree. You can see our clock tower in the background. 

One sure sign of fall is the gathering of birds. They soar around in the sky gathering more and more birds in the group. They are getting ready to go. Today our weather turned and the windows all are shut tight. This weekend we need to get our summer things all put away. It's that time. 


  1. Peggy, this is a fabulous photo of you! I love it!

    Cold enough for windows closed there and here finally cool enough to open the windows and turn off the AC. I love it but will love when we get the cold stuff too and I can sleep under vintage wool blankets with satin bindings, a love of mine.

    Your busy schedule--schedule isn't the right work for here, is it? Because your days are packed with things you love and are passionate about. That makes me so happy for you. Keep it up, you do it better than anyone I know. You remind me of an old quote that I have written down somewhere, I think it was in an Alexandra Stoddard book, by Henry James--or was it his brother, never can get them straight. Something to the effect that life is so very interesting, simply throbbing with excitement. I must find it now, you would love it, in fact you live it, Peggy!

  2. Oui! Oui! I love the picture of you in your beret, Peggy! I'm glad that you are enjoying painting!


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