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Sunday, September 03, 2017

The Calendar says September

And all of a sudden it's fall....September is here. How quickly the month of August passed and this change of weather is sure to signal that fall is here. It's rainy and cold out..in the fifties this morning. I'm sorry that I haven't blogged for a while. I was sick all week with a sore throat and down in bed but finally have recovered. I had to cance all kinds of doctor appointments this week and didn't go out of the house much.
   Chris came up this weekend and helped us with some heavy chores such as putting away the window air conditioners and taking our outdoor table to the shed for storage. It is great to have the extra help. 

1 comment :

  1. I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well, Peggy. I was wondering if something was going on. I'm sorry that you have cool, rainy weather. It's hot and sunny here: 94ยบ. I have three Swainson's hawks flying around and chasing each other ~ lots of cries. It looks like Sadie is enjoying the view. Take care!


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