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Friday, April 10, 2020

View this morning

This is the view out my kitchen window this morning. It snowed all day yesterday and this morning the ground is covered. It seems more like Deeember than April. My dreams of walking outside and gardening will have to be put on hold. 
   Am I the only one who is having trouble sleeping? I either can’t get to sleep at night or wake up for hours in the middle of the night. I think my suppressed anxiety during the day shows itself subconsciously at night. There is a lot to worry about now. I am not normally a worrier but I find the state of the world now is tenuous and uncertain. Never before have I had to worry about dying but now I don’t want to leave my safe place at home.
     I need to keep busy but then find that all I want to do is eat out of stress and cuddle up with comforts such as tv and the ipad. I want to avoid the news but can’t help trying to keep informed as the days go on. 
       Today I will try to keep busier and not sit quite so much. When I first stayed at home four weeks ago I was so happy to get organizing and cleaning. There are still things that I can do so I will need to find a project for today. 
    How are you coping? Are you keeping busy?

1 comment :

  1. Your snow view is beautiful and normally I would be so envious of it. Just as happy not to have it right now though!

    I went through the anxious nights when this first started but I ordered amber lens glasses from Amazon that I put on when it gets dark, wear them until bedtime when I switch to clip on ones for my reading glasses that I ordered at the same time. It helps so much to lower the blue light effect from devices and tv. But I get completely off any devices at 8 p.m. now too, and when I bought my iPhone right before the shutdown I had them put on a blue light filter screen and also had them set my phone so that from 6 p.m. to midnight the blue light would be minimized. And I stopped watching the news at night. All this has helped me get back to sleep when I do wake up. Oh, and I drink Natural Calm,a magnesium powder, also from Amazon, half an hour before bedtime.

    I've had those days of hours spent watching tv on Netflix etc. and end up feeling worse than the days when I keep busy. But it is so hard some days to make myself do this. I started off getting so much done and thinking I would get everything done sooner or later but it has not happened. And I think it's more important to be good to myself than to stress out over not accomplishing what I could/should be doing. Just be kind to yourself, Peggy!


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