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Friday, December 06, 2013

And we're off

Isn't this tiny tree darling. I picked it up at Big Lots for Linda. It's a tiny European Cyprus with feathery greenery. We are getting ready to leave for Richmond to go to the bizarre Bizaar. It's a huge craft show...five buildings. We went last year and really enjoyed it. This year we are smarter. We are taking our own lunch of egg salad, crackers, and fruit so we are not at the mercy of that fair food. And we know not to,wear our coats inside. This year I am trying to resist buying anything Christmassy ..trying to keep it simple at home. But there are a lot of pretties out there. We are not sure if we will go to the Botanical Gardens in the evening. It may be raining. Off we go. 


  1. oh i like this picture.
    ir looka very scandinavian décor to me . . one of my favorites!
    the beautiful blue lighted scene from the window doesn't hurt!
    it has cosiness and simplicity both. have a wonderful time!!! ♥♥

  2. Hey there Peggy and Linda :)

    Keep on enjoying the sprees of life :)


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