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Friday, December 21, 2007


Every year I think that I may not get in the Christmas spirit. Sometimes it seems that the decorations are put in the stores too early and by the time December rolls around I can't even think about all the things I have to do. Each year I swear that I will keep it more simple but as the snow flies and the middle of the month descends I find myself wanting to do all the traditional things that always make Christmas special..like make cookies, a tea ring, have people in. It is those traditions that make the holiday not just another day. I look forward to visiting with family, entertaining friends, and fixing special meals. This Christmas my sister Linda will be joining our family for the week. It will be so nice to have her up here since she doesn't visit that often. Chris and the boys will arrive the day after Christmas and we will have such a fun week. Just a few more days until Christmas and I have wrapping to finish. Is yours done?

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