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Sunday, February 08, 2009

"The personality of a house is indefinable, but there never lived a lady of great cultivation and charm whose home, whether a palace, a farm-cottage or a tiny apartment, did not reflect the charm of its owner."- Emily Post (1873-1960), The Well-Appointed House; 1922

In the spirit of being a "perfect" homemaker I submit for your perusal this poem.

Look at me, look at me, look at me now!
You could do what I do
If you only knew how.
I study the scriptures one hour each day;
I bake,I upholster,I scrub,and I pray.
I always keep all the commandments completely;
I speak to my little ones gently and sweetly.
I play the piano!I bless with my talents!
My toilets all sparkle!My checkbooks all balance!
I read to my children!I help all my neighbors!
I bless the community, too, with my labors.
I exercise and I cook menus gourmet;
My visiting teaching is done the first day!
I can home-grown produce each summer and fall.
But that is not all! Oh, no. That is not all
I have a home business to help make some money;
I always look beautifully groomed for my honey.
I grind my own wheat and I bake all our bread;
I have all our meals planned out six months ahead.
These things are not hard;It's good if you do them;
You can if you try!Just set goals and pursue them!
It's easy to do all the things that I do!
If you plan and work smart, you can do them all, too!
It's easy!" she said
and then she dropped dead.

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