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Sunday, February 22, 2009

One time I was taking a graduate class and our instructor asked us to write down five dreams...things that you would like to have happen in the future. Among mine I wrote "Go to Paris". At that time I had never thought about traveling to Europe (or anywhere else so far away). Within five years from that time I went to Europe for the first time. My friend, Yrsa, invited me to travel to Denmark to visit her family. The second trip a few years after was to Frankfort, Germany where we met up with my sister's friend and traveled all over Germany, Eastern France, and then took a train to Paris. (see dreams do come true). My third trip was a vacation to the south of France traveling through Provence. When I innocently wrote "go to Paris" I never thought that I would travel that many times.
They say that a written goal is much more achieved than one that is not written down. I've had very good luck putting things out to universe and recieving back just what I need. So here is my list of things that I would like to do.
..travel somewhere warm in the winter time
..take my family to Florida on vacation
..create a beautiful landscaped area by my courtyard that reminds you of being in France
..go to Provence again
..enjoy going on more picnics
..go to plays and events
..gain more energy by eating heathy
..spend more time with my grandchildren

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