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Monday, July 08, 2013

Has this happened to you?

I'm looking at the clock and its almost one thirty am. Why am I not asleep yet? The very same thing happened last night. II blamed it on the excitement of the party and the horrible heat and humidity. But I rested today and its cooler but my mind just won't shut off. 
  I'm thinking tonight about estranged family. Do you know some families that have members that don't speak to each other?  My sisters and I are so close that I can't imagine why some people in the same family can't work out their differences. 
  I want to help but it's so bad they need an intervention. life is so short to stay angry at someone. How can I convince these people to come together to try to put the pieces back together again. Or are they like Humpty Dumpty and the cracks are so deep that no amount of glue can fix them?
   Or is it not my fight?  Should I stay out of it?  As I grow older I have discovered that love is cthe most important thing. Hurts can be resolved. Forgiveness can come. But how if they avoid each other?


  1. That's a hard one. It always seems such a waste, doesn't it? Like you, I don't know what I'd do without my sisters, or my children. I could not bear for their to be an estrangement there. Difficult to know whether to advise trying to reconcile others that are estranged. it might backfire. Sometimes just modeling a good behavior does more good.

  2. Thank goodness that my immediate family surrounds me with love. My sons are so thoughtful but also full of appreciation for everything. I have good supportive friends. But on my husbands side of the family there are people who don't speak. It's so sad.


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